Yet Another Transfer Settlement (YATS) HomePlate Not necessary if you'd like to furnish this apartment by yourself Videos of the Wasteland Theater Pack Quest Removal Patchīase + Theater Pack (otherwise you don't even need this mod) Questo è una traduzione per Videos of the Wasteland Videos of the Wasteland - Spanish TranslationĬeci est une traduction pour Videos of the Wasteland Videos of the Wasteland - Japanese Translation This is a translation for Videos of the Wasteland Videos of the Wasteland - deutsche Ubersetzung Vault Tec Tapes is an addon for Videos of the Wasteland Vault 88 Settlement Transfer - Inspired by 76 and 51. Touch of Home on Spectacle Island-TSB By Maedoosa The Skyrim Trailer for Videos of the Wasteland The Journey Inside (and Don't Copy That Floppy for VotW) The Black Lotus Amiga Demo Collection (for VotW) Sunshine Tidings Manor - the granary of the west Starlight Drive-In module highly recommended Starlight Drive-In Trade and Entertainment Hub Transfer Settlements Blueprint (mods) Starlight drive in Theatre- Transfer Settlements Blueprint Requires use of Videos of the Wasteland Mod without this would not be possible. The reel version will also require the Starlight Drive-In add-on. Spectacle Island Synth production settlement Sobering Videos is an addon for Videos of the Wasteland Settlement Pack 4 (Run-n-Gun)- Five in one pack Settlement Blueprint for Brick Vault Bunker mod Remco Movieland Drive-In Theater Ad (VotW) Q's Sunshine Tidings HQ - Transfer Settlement Blueprint Moves Holotape crafting station to the Workbench categories added by Organized Workbench Menu. Organized Workbench Menu Patches by Vanguard (optional) Theres a single TV in the bar, if you want it then this is NEEDED Nuka-World Restoration Project (Fizztop Patio) My Awesome Sanctuary hills build blueprint MaeMae's Sunshine Tidings Settlement Blueprint MAEDOOSA's Sunshine Tidings Blueprint Mod 2 MAEDOOSA's Murkwater Construction Blueprint Mod MAEDOOSA's Coastal Cottage Blueprint Settlement Mod Mae's Sunshine Tidings Starter Blueprint Mod AWKCR and VIS-G patches for multiple mods! Kingsport Light House Settlement (Ghouls and Children Of Atom Included) James' Minuteman Sanctuary - A lightweight Transfer Settlement Blueprint How to Survive a Nuclear War (for Videos of the Wasteland) The votwmaster.esm and the votwtheatre.esl are required Hangmans Trading Hub Transfer settlement Blueprint Good old Cartoons is an addon for Videos of the Wasteland Girls And Guns for Videos of the Wasteland This time is used this mod to install some clean televisions, and originally i was planning on making a Tv Room.

A 40 story skyscraper at Sunshine Tidings Co opĬastle the realy military strong - Transfer Settlement Blueprintĭouble Helix Casino Hotel Settlement Blueprintįallout 76 E3 Trailer for Videos of the Wasteland